the 30 day new thoughts-new you challenge

Ok, not the coolest title for a challenge – in fact it’s pretty lame – but I don’t care. I can always change it – because it’s my challenge!!

The point is that 30 days from now – if you follow and play along – you may just change your destiny.


Because you’re tired of getting the same results you got from last year’s New Year resolution. In fact – did that resolution even make it past Valentines Day before you gave up on it?

Well – same for me. My book isn’t published. That was one of my 2009 goals.

So, I have drawn a line in the sand, burned my ships and made a decision.

2010 is the year it all changes.

Procrastination will give way to relentless energy, spinning my wheels – replaced with laser-focused action, lack of direction – that is so 2009 – 2010 will begin with a clear VISION.

Are you with me?

Do you want to create new habits that will help you achieve? Do you want to kick ok fear, doubt and worry in the ass and say – enough is enough you guys. And let FAITH in your vision replace those bad boys?

That’s what I’m doing. And, I’ll be posting action steps every day so you can play along. In fact, I’m even going to get brave enough to create some (GASP) videos of me. (one of the things I put off in 2009)

So, how do you change habits?

by replacing them with new ones.

But, you really do have to be really tired of your present reality.

If you are – then tonight and tomorrow – write out a clear vision of how you would like your life to be on december 31, 2010. What do you want to look like? Lose some weight, get more in shape? Who do you want to be with? What kind of house do you want to live in? Just be playful with this – what do you really want out of like and where do you want to be a year from now.

Be specific.

example: I’m sitting on my oh so comfortable chaise lounge on my lanai. It’s so quiet except for the sounds of the waves gently lapping at the shore. I sip my iced tea and look out at the horizon. My son is dangling his feet in the pool, as it’s a warm night for this time of year. Later, our friends will be arriving to celebrate New Years eve with us. I get up and walk into my office, gently running my hands over all the books on the shelves. I stop when I graze a copy of my book, take it off hte shelf and sit down to read a chapter. I’m so grateful to all those who shared their stories to make my book the success it’s been. An amazon best-seller – wow, I would never have thought that last year.

Ok, so you get the point.

So, get yours written with your goals for your new life and your dreams as well.

Have fun with it.

Happy New Year.