I am only recently becoming aware of the connection between my mind, body and spirit. Which is why I’m thrilled that Mary Kay Morgan, @theinnermarykay (on Twitter) will be joining me on my Blog Talk Radio show.
I know that my body holds part of the key to success – but don’t really know why. But, Mary Kay does and she’s going to be sharing that with us on Tuesday, March 3rd. As Mary Kay says, “we already hold all the answers. No one else can define the “how’s” for you, the “what’s” or the “when’s” either – only you have the right and perfect answer for you. Only you hold the truth for your life’s questions. I’m going to reveal how you can begin discovering your own answers to your own questions right now, so that you finally get to physically experience your heart’s desires instead of only dreaming about them!”
She continues:
Have you ever had an experience so profoundly painful, so dismantling of everything you have built your life on, so completely devastating that you had no choice but to surrender and start over from scratch?
Ask any successful person their story and it will likely include “the moment/event/person that changed their life” as its climax. It may be a divorce, a chance meeting, bankruptcy, addiction, death, a mystical experience or something that to others appears minor, but because the “event” occurred, the Light of Truth was able to penetrate and real learning could begin. (Occasionally you might find a successful person that chose to learn from the painful experiences of others – so that is possible, less common, but possible.) For me, it was a relationship that occurred after my divorce that broke me into a zillion little pieces and left me to put myself back together. Thank goodness I didn’t have the directions for the original model! All my same pieces were there, but I had to re-construct from a new set of plans, a new consciousness.
From that place of pain came the trust and inner wisdom that now guides Mary Kay. She’s going to teach us how to get grounded in our bodies, the basics of our energetic foundation and exercises and nutrition that we can do to maintain our great foundation.
If you struggle at all with weight, self-image or self-worth issues – then you’re not going to want to miss this call.
Go here now and bookmark the page here and put 1:00 EST Tuesday March 3rd on your calendar. But, if you can’t make it live – the replay will be waiting for you.