Do thoughts become things…

I ask if thoughts become things because I’m really beginning to believe that they do. And apparently this quote from Frank Lloyd Wright – “The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.” tells me that I’m not alone.

So, I believe Wright to be right. (I just wanted to say that.)

Whether Wright is right or Wright is wrong – we’ll never really know. But, if they do – here is the formula in its most simplistic form.

Thought plus emotion = thing.

What I mean is that you have a thought, it creates a vibration, the vibration becomes much stronger when you attach emotion to it. If this were all there was to the equation then you would be able to sit in your home and think of what you want and feel all the positive feelings that you would feel if you already owned the thing you’re thinking of and – WHAM! – special delivery – the Universe would FedEx it to you.

But, although it is not quite as simple as that – it’s not that difficult either.

You do have to be totally clear on what it is that you want.  And state it in a positive way.  So, if you want to not be in debt say – I want more than enough money flowing to and through me for everything that I desire.  Do not say – I don’t want any more debt.  You don’t want to have the word debt and the word want in the same sentence.  Just trust me on this one.

Now, I’m going to have you hold that thought.  Here’s a little something you have to do first.  Make room in your life for the new thing.  Clean out your clothes closets, have a garage sale – give as much stuff away as you can.  This goes for the stuff between your ears also.  Whenever you have a doubt or a negative thought – get rid of it and replace it with a positive one.  You cannot get what you desire if you doubt it’s arrival.  It wold be like ordering a meal in a restaurant and not believing they are going to bring it to you.  Of course they are.

Actually, I would start cleaning out your house and head of everything that doesn’t please you anymore.  Then, while you’re in this process, get very clear on what it is you want.  Attach a positive emotion, feel like you already have what you are asking for.  It will feel wonderful – so feel those feelings.  This supercharges your desire.

Now, take the first action step that comes to mind, perhaps you want a car.  Go down to the dealer and test drive it.

The Universe is waiting to give you what you want – remember that.

Believe and have faith.