I have to plug a faaaaabulous book that I read yesterday. Yes, I read it in one day – I couldn’t put it down. The title is Life’s Golden Ticket by Brendon Burchard. I don’t want to give any of the book away – but the title of this blog post has something to do with the premise.
I also had the pleasure, (and I mean pleasure – this guy’s a great speaker), of seeing Brendon in person at Big Seminar in Atlanta. The beginning of his presentation involves a hilarious take on his skydiving experience. But, the part of the presentation that got my brain cells churning were three questions that he asks himself at the end of each day:
Did I live?
Did I love?
Did I matter?
I can see where asking these questions each and every day could change your life.
Did you live? Did you live your day to the fullest, appreciating each experience? Or do you just struggle to make it through the day just so you can wind up exhausted and thankful the day is over? There’s a world of difference between the two. And, what is so cool is that you don’t have to wait, in fact you should never wait until something gets better in your life before you appreciate what you have. Try going through a day really living it and enjoying where you are now.
Did you love? Did you treat people with respect today and love? Did you give smiles away, hug your children a little tighter, tell your significant other or parent how much you appreciate and love them. And, here’s a biggie – did you treat yourself the same way? Did you love and respect yourself?
Did you matter? Each day that you live, you are leaving a legacy – whether you’re aware of it or not. Do you have a message that can make someone’s life easier, happier? What skills do you have that you can share with the world? Don’t hold back. Your time is now.
Did you live? Did you love? Did you matter?