John Assaraf – You can’t have it all

When I read your book, Having it All – I believed the premise. I believed that I could have it all. Your story seemed genuine, your instructions for how I too could have it all were clear and easy to follow. It was obvious that those methods worked and you Had it All.

So, I believed and started down that path to success, to get all that my heart desires. I assembled my vision board (it really did come out nice), got some affirmations together that felt right to me, started meditating. I took action. I didn’t just vibrate positive energy and wait for it to come to me.

And, then good things started happening. It was amazing – things that I couldn’t have planned started going my way. I was a believer – I could Have it All – it was all good.

Then it happened. 

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go for the gold

Olympics – Opening ceremonies – kind of cool.  By the time the closing ceremonies rolled around I wasn’t interested in watching them.   I was awed by the mastery of some of the competitors – the gymnasts, the swimmers – I saw years of practice rippling in every muscle of their being.  They were truly inspiring and beautiful to watch.

I could see their burning desire for that gold medal – the pride that they felt in achieving it as they stood on that podium with the medal on their chest for the world to see.  I could appreciate how many hours they practiced, through times when it must have been difficult to go on, when they had pushed their bodies to the limit and then asked more of them.  Wow.  That kind of dedication and perseverance to a goal is damn inspiring.

Then they were gone and that left me with synchronized swimming (is this really a sport?), synchronized diving, volleyball, some kind of bike racing.  Am I missing something here with these quasi-sports?  Why are they Olympic material?  If they are then how about Tiddly-Winks and thumb-wrestling?

So, my take – give me the gymnasts, the runners, the swimmers – they are the embodiment of what it takes to be masterful.  Years of dedication and practice.  They are inspiring and show me what it will take me to go for my personal gold – never give up.

Are you making history or herstory?

The title of this post doesn’t really make any sense until you read further.  Consider that you are the director of your own life story and that it will be published in a book someday.  Whose life are you living for that book – yours or your husbands, wifes, mothers, third grade teachers, the list could go on?

So many times we let people influence how we live our lives.  That third grade teacher that told you that you could never be a writer, your uncle telling you that you have to work really hard and stomp on people to be successful.

Well, here’s a little something for ya.  You’re not living their lives and if you let what they tell you influence you – they are running yours.  You are letting them write your life story for you.  They will have starring roles and you’ll be a bit player – an extra in your own life.  This causes a LOT OF PAIN.  Is there a way out of that thinking? 

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I’m not a cheater – or am I??

Are you a cheater?  You think – No, Lee Ann – I’m an honest person, I would never cheat anyone out of anything.  ok.  I say you’re kidding yourself.  Why the hell would I say that?

Heck, I’m kidding myself when I say I’m not a cheater.  And, this is how I’ve been living for a long time.  I have been cheating the world out of what I have to offer because of my procrastination, avoidance and just plain ducking who I really am and how big I’m supposed to be playing in the world.  I haven’t written the book, made the movie or delivered the presentation that has the promise of touching people, of changing their lives, even for a moment.  So, I’m a big ol’ cheater.  Now what?  Do I sit and toss that around in my head and feel bad?  Hell no!!  Hear me now!

I accept everything I’ve done, believed and felt that has gotten me to this point in my life.  I mean that and I’ll tell you why that’s so important.

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Warning: Magic trick revealed below

When I see a great magic trick – I get a tingle.  It’s awesome.   I am just in awe of the skill it took to make me see something that couldn’t be happening – or could it?  It’s that moment of sheer wonder that gives me that tingle.

There have been a few times when I’ve experienced that tingle from my own magic.  But, I’m not talking magic like the Chris Angel Mindfreak kind of magic – I’m talking about those times when wondrous things happen in your life, when you received things that seemed impossible and way out of your reach.  For example…

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Stick it!

If you say that to an Olympic gymnast – they’ll appreciate it.  It means that they want their dismount landing to be flawless.  But, if I say that to you  (unless you’re a gymnast) –  I’m rude.

Our language can be confusing.  My takeaway?

Make sure in all your communication you’re saying the right things to the people your speaking to – in person or in your written communication.

Got mentor?

I now have a mentor of sorts – David Neagle.  I’m in his monthly mentoring program and I couldn’t be more excited.  Well, actually that’s a silly thing to say – of course I could get more excited – especially when there’s ice cream involved, if that makes me sound silly, oh well.  What I mean is – I’m really excited to be learning the laws of the Universe from someone who really gets them and explains them in an easy to understand way.

Until I watched the Secret I never even knew there were Universal Laws and now I can’t get enough info about them.  And, sometimes that info can be kind of difficult for a right-brained peep like myself to decipher.

I loved the Secret and learning about the Law of Attraction – but I always felt that the film didn’t dig deep enough.   Great introduction – but Rhonda Byrne totally left out the part about taking action.   Ask-believe-receive – not.

But, on a deeper level – with action added – I’ve found that the Law of Attraction really does work.  And, I think that’s so COOL.   I honestly do believe that we are all constantly connected to Spirit or Source or whatever you call your higher being.  I think of it like this analogy.  You know how your lamps are plugged into the electric outlet, but they are not lit until you turn them on?  Well, that’s like our connection to Spirit.  We’re always connected – but we don’t always have that switch open so it can flow to you like the electricity flows to the lamp.

And, I believe that Spirit really does want to give us what we want.  We just muck up the asking and even if we get that part right – for some reason – we muck up being able to receive.

I just finished reading a great book on the Law of Attraction – Ask and it is Given – by Jerry and Esther Hicks.  It’s deep and very insightful – and I would put it on my “must read” list.

Actually I’ll post more about it here – so come back – if that’s “Attractive ” to you….

Unconditional Olympic Love

When it comes to rooting for Olympians – they truly get my unconditional love.  I find myself rooting for people I’ve never seen before just because they’re from the country I live in.

How’s that for a strong belief?  I don’t care if the other athletes are nicer people, better athletes, have cooler uniforms or are hotter eye candy – they’re not from my country so they’re off my radar.

Why do I do this?

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Do thoughts become things…

I ask if thoughts become things because I’m really beginning to believe that they do. And apparently this quote from Frank Lloyd Wright – “The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.” tells me that I’m not alone.

So, I believe Wright to be right. (I just wanted to say that.)

Whether Wright is right or Wright is wrong – we’ll never really know. But, if they do – here is the formula in its most simplistic form.

Thought plus emotion = thing.

What I mean is that you have a thought, it creates a vibration, the vibration becomes much stronger when you attach emotion to it. If this were all there was to the equation then you would be able to sit in your home and think of what you want and feel all the positive feelings that you would feel if you already owned the thing you’re thinking of and – WHAM! – special delivery – the Universe would FedEx it to you.

But, although it is not quite as simple as that – it’s not that difficult either.

You do have to be totally clear on what it is that you want.  And state it in a positive way.  So, if you want to not be in debt say – I want more than enough money flowing to and through me for everything that I desire.  Do not say – I don’t want any more debt.  You don’t want to have the word debt and the word want in the same sentence.  Just trust me on this one.

Now, I’m going to have you hold that thought.  Here’s a little something you have to do first.  Make room in your life for the new thing.  Clean out your clothes closets, have a garage sale – give as much stuff away as you can.  This goes for the stuff between your ears also.  Whenever you have a doubt or a negative thought – get rid of it and replace it with a positive one.  You cannot get what you desire if you doubt it’s arrival.  It wold be like ordering a meal in a restaurant and not believing they are going to bring it to you.  Of course they are.

Actually, I would start cleaning out your house and head of everything that doesn’t please you anymore.  Then, while you’re in this process, get very clear on what it is you want.  Attach a positive emotion, feel like you already have what you are asking for.  It will feel wonderful – so feel those feelings.  This supercharges your desire.

Now, take the first action step that comes to mind, perhaps you want a car.  Go down to the dealer and test drive it.

The Universe is waiting to give you what you want – remember that.

Believe and have faith.

Give it away Day!!!

Gratitude is really important in the manifestation process.  You have to feel grateful for what you have right now in your life – rather than be in a constant state of expectancy that you’ll feel grateful when you have more.

After all, what would you use to measure that day when you would be grateful?  A dollar amount in the bank?

So – Start now.

What can you be grateful for?  I’ll give you an example of my morning.  I am grateful for my comfortable bed with smooth sheets and soft pillows.  Then there is the hot and cold running water that makes my shower water just the perfect temperature and it feels wonderful.  In my kitchen I have so much delicious food just waiting for me to eat it.  Get the idea?

Good – you make a list – right now.  Then come back.

Now for part two.

Give something away.  This multiplies that feeling of gratitude immensely.  Tip someone who doesn’t normally get tips – hand your mailman some money, give the bagger at the grocery store money – give enough so that you feel it.  Accept their reaction.

Feel the gratitude for having enough money that you can give some away.

Will you please come back and post your comments about what happened?   I’d love to hear the stories.