the 30 day new thoughts-new you challenge

Ok, not the coolest title for a challenge – in fact it’s pretty lame – but I don’t care. I can always change it – because it’s my challenge!!

The point is that 30 days from now – if you follow and play along – you may just change your destiny.


Because you’re tired of getting the same results you got from last year’s New Year resolution. In fact – did that resolution even make it past Valentines Day before you gave up on it?

Well – same for me. My book isn’t published. That was one of my 2009 goals.

So, I have drawn a line in the sand, burned my ships and made a decision.

2010 is the year it all changes.

Procrastination will give way to relentless energy, spinning my wheels – replaced with laser-focused action, lack of direction – that is so 2009 – 2010 will begin with a clear VISION.

Are you with me?

Do you want to create new habits that will help you achieve? Do you want to kick ok fear, doubt and worry in the ass and say – enough is enough you guys. And let FAITH in your vision replace those bad boys?

That’s what I’m doing. And, I’ll be posting action steps every day so you can play along. In fact, I’m even going to get brave enough to create some (GASP) videos of me. (one of the things I put off in 2009)

So, how do you change habits?

by replacing them with new ones.

But, you really do have to be really tired of your present reality.

If you are – then tonight and tomorrow – write out a clear vision of how you would like your life to be on december 31, 2010. What do you want to look like? Lose some weight, get more in shape? Who do you want to be with? What kind of house do you want to live in? Just be playful with this – what do you really want out of like and where do you want to be a year from now.

Be specific.

example: I’m sitting on my oh so comfortable chaise lounge on my lanai. It’s so quiet except for the sounds of the waves gently lapping at the shore. I sip my iced tea and look out at the horizon. My son is dangling his feet in the pool, as it’s a warm night for this time of year. Later, our friends will be arriving to celebrate New Years eve with us. I get up and walk into my office, gently running my hands over all the books on the shelves. I stop when I graze a copy of my book, take it off hte shelf and sit down to read a chapter. I’m so grateful to all those who shared their stories to make my book the success it’s been. An amazon best-seller – wow, I would never have thought that last year.

Ok, so you get the point.

So, get yours written with your goals for your new life and your dreams as well.

Have fun with it.

Happy New Year.

Article Writing and Twitter

I just broke my own record in getting a blog up and live on the web.  You can see it here.  I don’t say that to toot my own horn, although if I had a horn right now I would toot it.  But, I digress.

I created this blog for a challenge that was thrown down on Twitter this morning by Tweeple I follow.  And, it was a good reminder to me that sloppy success beats perfect anytime.  So, I quickly created the blog so that people who are involved in the article writing challenge can go somewhere on the web to see updates about it.  We’ll see updates on Twitter, but the blog will be a place where updates can be longer than 140 characters.

For those who want to take the challenge – it’s going to be a lot of fun.

The whole point is that whoever participates writes 100 articles in 100 days (or less:) and posts them on Ezine articles


Because 100 new articles submitted will drive more traffic to your website or affiliate product.  It gets you more credibility as an expert on the topic that you’re writing articles about.   You’ll want to make sure that you write quality articles with good content – nothing spammy loaded with keywords.  The possibilities of this challenge are so exciting.

Think of the new people that your information will be helping.  Think of the momentum you’ll create for yourself by writing 100 new articles.  Then you can repurpose those articles into podcasts or online video tips.  

This is going to be fun.  Follow the progress on the blog.

And on twitter by searching for #hahd.

Stick figures = six figures


Simple – yet profound. How stick figures led to a six figure income.

A big Thank You to Connie Ragen Green for sharing this valuable info as part of her chapter for my upcoming book on women who make six figures and more doing what they love.

If you put just this concept into action, it could change your life – it changed Connie’s.

Connie was at a place in her life where she had to make a change.  Her job no longer was the joy that it once was and she had health issues that challenged her keeping the job as well.  Totally out on her own, she set out to design her new life and career.  Knowing just a little about the law of attraction, she decided to create an image of the new home that she wanted to live in.  She admitted to not being a good artist, but wouldn’t let that deter her. She just drew the house that she wanted, the upstairs rooms, the details like white shutters on the window, her dogs by her feet, and a beautiful view out her window.

And, then she drew herself as a stick figure sitting at a computer desk in a room in the house, smiling as she was writing.  She finished the picture and put it right in front of her face in her office where she could see it every day.

Then she started visualizing and feeling what it was like to be living in the new home – she really felt as if she was already the owner.  She pictured herself feeling healthy and rested and being in the house working at a job in which she was doing what she loved and making more money than she was making in her present life.  When she looked at the picture – she felt as if that new home and new career was her reality – even though it was so far removed from her present life at the time.

In just six months she was living in the new home – a home that looked exactly like what she had drawn.
And, she was beginning her new career doing what she loved  (writing).  And in just three years that dream of living in her new home, with a career that she absolutely loves and is earning her over six figures is now her reality.

That is the power of visualization and attaching a strong emotion to what you visualize.

Thank you again Connie.  You are a true inspiration.

Who do you answer to?

This is all about accountability. Where the rubber meets the road. Where you actually do and follow through with what you commit to.

Since it’s Sunday, I wanted to give you an idea that can make you have a great, productive and happier week.

See, it’s a cycle. You make a decision to do something, then you follow through, you feel a sense of accomplishment, that’s a reward to motivate you to do more, so that you get that good feeling again. Here’s the opposite – You make a decision to do something, then you don’t follow through, you might feel a sense of wanting to beat yourself up, not physically – that would look weird. Mentally – which is worse. Then you have a bad feeling and what’s worse is you’ve broken trust with yourself. Now, you can’t trust yourself to follow through, and if you can’t trust yourself – who can you trust??? Yikes. You don’t want to go there – because it sets you up for bad vibes.

So, Lee Ann, how can you make this process easier?

Steady, grasshopper. Sit down, take a deep breath. Exhale (second, very important step to breathing). Now, repeat after me. Accountability buddy.

CRACCCKKKK!!! This is where the lightning bolt hits. Now, touch your forehead with your forefinger and say to yourself – That’s easy, I can, hey wait a minute, what does she mean by that?

Here’s how this works, it’s so diabolically simple and profound, it’s very often overlooked. Find someone you like and who likes you. Tell them your decision, tell them what you are absolutely, positively going to get done in the next day, two days and/or week. State your goal out loud. If possible, check in with your accountability bud at the end of every day of next week. keep each other on track. If you see your buddy not doing what they said, gently ask why. Ask them to do the same for you.

At the end of the week – tally up. You will have completed some of your tasks and celebrate. Nothing elaborate unless you want it to be. You can simply virtually high-five each other over the phone or email.

**************Advanced Tip****************

Choose a scary goal, take what you set out to do and push yourself just a bit past your comfort zone. This is where magic and momentum start to happen.

If you want – you can post your goals for the week as comments to this post. I’m very good at holding people gently, yet firmly accountable.

There’s no time like the present.

I’m not a cheater – or am I??

Are you a cheater?  You think – No, Lee Ann – I’m an honest person, I would never cheat anyone out of anything.  ok.  I say you’re kidding yourself.  Why the hell would I say that?

Heck, I’m kidding myself when I say I’m not a cheater.  And, this is how I’ve been living for a long time.  I have been cheating the world out of what I have to offer because of my procrastination, avoidance and just plain ducking who I really am and how big I’m supposed to be playing in the world.  I haven’t written the book, made the movie or delivered the presentation that has the promise of touching people, of changing their lives, even for a moment.  So, I’m a big ol’ cheater.  Now what?  Do I sit and toss that around in my head and feel bad?  Hell no!!  Hear me now!

I accept everything I’ve done, believed and felt that has gotten me to this point in my life.  I mean that and I’ll tell you why that’s so important.

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